Thursday, July 7, 2011

Venus and David send their regards from Florence

Well, we have arrived in Florence and have spent the last few days walking everywhere in the old city. Mostly the first day was spent walking to and from the information center next to the train station as we tried to book a tour and figure out how to get advance tickets so we wouldn't have to spend hours standing in line. But it was worth it as we got up early yesterday and viewed the Birth of Venus with only a handful of people in the gallery. It was pretty awesome. As we didn't have to stand in line for hours we had plenty of time after we were done the Uffizi gallery at 10am. So, we had a "second breakfast" and went to view a Jewish Synagogue. It was refreshing to see a different house of worship than all the catholic churches we have seen. Then today we visited the Academy and saw the David in person. It was pretty impressive, but we weren't allowed to take pictures, which I think is just a ploy to sell more postcards.
  Yesterday, we also did a bit of shopping and noticed that the more expensive stores had much better air conditioning. The Gucci store in particular had excellent air conditioning, and you know when there is a security gaurd and each bag gets its own shelf that you are in pricy territory. Brad actually touched a bag. I told him not to because they are so expensive that they don't even put price tags on them, because they assume if you are in the store, than you have the money to purchase one.
  An interesting experience I (Brad) had the first day we were here happened as we were walking down the street. I should note that there are a lot of priests, monks and nuns dressed in traditional robes around the city. So, as it was hot outside and we were dressed for the warm weather, I was wearing a tank top and shorts. We couldn't go into a church nearby since I had my shoulders uncovered. So, we were walking away from this church, when a monk turned the corner and was walking toward us. Now, I don't know if he was just having a bad day or if he was really warm, or perhaps regretting his vows, but he gave me in my summer apparel the "glare of death". Seriously, he stared me down for a few seconds as we passed each other on the narrow sidewalk. Imagine a rather large balding monk on a narrow sidewalk staring you down. Not a pleasant experience. I admire men of the cloth, but sometimes you gotta wonder: they probably get really hot under there. It must be enough to make anyone miserable.

Tomorow, we're off to the countryside, as we booked a bus tour for the day. We're going to see a small village called San Gimignano, Siena, and tour a wine estate in the area of Chianti. Is it sad that we are both really looking forward to the air conditioned bus that will take us?

And Char bought a skirt. She looks hot in it.

Brad wishes it was culturally acceptable for men to wear skirts so that he could get more air circulation. The monks would not approve.

Saturday, off to Pisa for the day for lots of pictures of forced perspective with the leaning Tower of Pisa. Hopefully on Sunday we can find an English speaking church to attend, and then Monday, off to Rome!

When in Rome...

Char and Brad

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